Thursday, March 18, 2010


So we saw these guys at dinner the other night...

If you don't know who that is, it's Anna Kornikova and Enrique Iglesias. Not really A-listers but still kind of fun to look over at the next table and see that some celebrities are sitting by you.

And speaking of Celebrities, I have something embarrassing to admit... once upon a time, I was a celebrity news addict.  I loved nothing more than to sit down with a bag of peanut m&m's and a People magazine. I knew all of the top celebs, who they were dating, what they were wearing, where they were living. I loved the section in US where they talk about how "they are just like us... see they go to the same restaurants", etc. In the past few years, I've kind of grown out of the star gazer that I once was, mostly because I don't work at a dental office where I have People magazines at my disposal but there are still a few celebs that I like to keep up on. Tonight at dinner Tyler told me some very disturbing news about my favorite Hollywood couple. These people, right here:

Don't they look happy? I always thought they were the best couple. When Sandra Bullock won an award for The Blindside and she was thanking her amazing husband, I cried (I realize this isn't that uncommon for me to cry at something so small, but still). Anyway, like I was saying, tonight at dinner Tyler let me know that they are splitsters. Apparently, Jesse found love in the tattooed arms of another woman and I'm honest to goodness sad about it. How could this happen? Is it too much to ask that some Hollywood couples don't cheat on each other? I guess not.
Well, this post has nothing to do with us being Florhodeians so can you forgive me for blogging about something so unimportant to anyone out there but Sandra? I just had to get it off my chest.
And just for the heck of it... isn't this a handsome little bugger? He just got a hair cut.


Tyanna said...

LOVE the haircut!! He is such a handsome little man.

Carrie Ann said...

HANDSOME!!! I'm going to pretend I didn't read that about Sandy and Jesse.

Emily said...

Owen looks like a little man (an adorable little man).

Remember when you visited us in Germany on Travis's b-day and I gave him that beanie that was for like a ten year old and we kept calling him Enrique Iglesias? That's what I thought of when I saw your pic. By the way, did you take that pic of them?