Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Does this belly make me look fat?

So when you move to a new city like Ft. Lauderdale, a city where it's warm, where you can get amazing produce year round, where you have a great running trail right by your house, etc., you really start to feel like you should be a living a healthy lifestyle. Tyler and I have been trying to make a few healthy changes in our lives since we've been here. For example.  I've been reading my Jillian Michaels cookbook and my Abs cookbook and not just reading them but actually making meals from them, I've been running every morning and I've even been getting all of my fruit and veggie servings in each day.

This morning Tyler and I went on a great run and played on the beach and when I got on the scale this afternoon I was pleasantly surprised by the number it presented to me. So this evening we were out and about running errands and decided to hit up The Olive Garden for dinner. For my main dish I decided to keep up with the healthy living and ordered something nutritious; however since I've been feeling pretty good about my healthy choices lately I completely indulged on the breadsticks. I had two yummy, garlicy breadsticks and was not shy at all about dipping them in alfredo sauce and not just dipping but practically licking the alfredo bowl. Yummy... and I didn't regret it one bit.  

After dinner we went to Office Depot to shop for a new desk and chair for our home office. We found what we were looking for and this really nice man was helping us out to the car with our new merchandise. Tyler went to get the car and I was making polite conversation with the Office Depot worker while Owen was winning him over with his stellar personality when out of the blue the man says "he is a cute little boy, when is your second one due?" as he points at my stomach. I let him know that I wasn't expecting and his response was "Really?" not, "oh, I'm sorry" or "It must just be the way your shirt is hanging" (that was what my sweet husband said when I told him... thanks T-Rhodes!) but "really?". So surprised that I was not in fact with child.

Note to self: Say NO to the breadsticks and alfredo sauce next time you're at Olive Garden.

Note to everyone else out there: Never ever ask someone when their baby is due unless you are 100% sure that they are pregnant. It's not a pleasant experience for anyone involved.

However, this little guy makes it completely worth that extra baby fat that is still hanging around... wouldn't you agree?


SummerV said...

I saw that you had a blog through facebook, very cute! Seriously, you do not look pregnant. If it makes you feel any better my daughter told me I wasn't quite as fat as the people on my Jillian Michaels workout dvd while I was working out to it (they have biggest loser contestants working out in the background). Ouch!

Jenni said...

Brit I am so sorry! I think you looked great at Christmas and you probably look fabulous now. I am getting so big this pregnancy even with working out, but like you said those cute little guys make it all worth it!

Anonymous said...

So, I scanned your pictures, and I think you still look just as amazing as pre-baby. But at least it was a guy and we can forgive him for being slighty stupid.