Monday, August 9, 2010

Once upon a time...

Once upon a time I was robbed at gunpoint. Seriously. I was seventeen and worked at a tanning salon called Body Brown (clever right?). I was working the night shift by myself when two guys walked in, held a gun to my head and told me to give them all of the money in the register. I was too confused to actually do anything but just stand there so one of the guys reached over, got in the cash register himself and pulled out the $80 that was there. Question: Do you think once they got the money they asked themselves whether it would have been worth shooting a little seventeen year old girl for $80? Who knows... anyway, it was scary.

However, it was not the most scared I've been in my life. I didn't even scream. The robbery was over too fast for me to register  that I should be frightened. The most frightened I've been in my life was the second week we lived here.

We had been in Florida for seven days, in our house for one day before Tyler had to leave on a work trip. Typically I'm not scared of being in a big empty house without a man around. I lived on my own for a little while and the thought never crossed my mind to be scared that someone would come into my house and harm me. But when you have a child and you are in  new house, in a new neighborhood in a new state, your mind starts to wander and you think  things you never thought before. Things like: Someone could break into our bedroom window" " Someone could hide behind that bookcase" "Someone could come in through the attic" and a few other crazy things like that. Luckily, me sweet friend Mel told me about these alarms you can get at your local hardware store that you stick on your door and when someone tries to come in, it makes a loud screeching sound. I thought it sounded like a great idea. That way, while I was sleeping, I would for sure hear someone trying to come through my front door (because obviously, the burglar would try the front door first). So Mel and I headed to Home Depot and each picked one  of these alarms up for ourselves. I got home,  took my time making sure it was on the door securely and went about my business with a renewed sense of security.

Fast forward twenty minutes... Owen and I were in the laundry room having a great time doing the wash when all of the sudden my new alarm is BLARING. I grab Owen and start screaming at the top of my lungs... someone was coming in my house to do who knows what to me and Owen. I have seriously never been so scared in my life. What was this man breaking into our house coming to get from our poor innocent little family? After a second I got the courage to come and meet my maker. This is what I find at my front door:

Yes... that is the new alarm lying on the ground. Me screaming like I a little girl... maybe just a small overreaction. Needless to say, I haven't turned the thing on since. I'm too afraid it will fall off again at 2:00 in the morning and I might die of fright.

On a different note, Owen finally got his hair cut. This is my attempt at getting a good shot of it. He wasn't having it:

Isn't he a handsome little guy? Even when he doesn't cooperate with my camera taking.


Mary said...

oh so cute! Much better this time. I think I remember your body brown robbery? Was Adrienne with you? If not...she had a similar experience

Emily said...

Brittany...he is the cutest!!

And why is it that you never seem scared to me? I didn't even think you were scared and I saw you right after you got home from the Body Brown robbery. I think I'm probably he biggest scaredy-cat I know.

Kikal said...

I'm laughing so hard right now at your near death experience. Also, Owen's hair looks studly! Also, come to the sprinkler park tomorrow.

Kaesy said...

laughing so hard. that is so something I'd do. Owen is know...for an 18 month old.

Carrie Ann said...

I still can't believe you got robbed at gunpoint. And the alarm story is hilarious, although even just reading it I felt your terror. You really are fearless otherwise.

The Cushings said...

I remember when you got robbed, I was telling someone about that the other day. A new house, new area, no husband, a little child... I would have been scared too. But that is a funny story. Goes to show how we can let our imaginations run wild. I remember when you kids were little in our house off highland dr. and Dan was out of town, I kept hearing things all night long, I was so scared but didn't dare get out of bed. In the morning when I woke up the back door had been open all night and that's what the noise was. I love Owen's haircut. He looks so cute. Love you mom

Tyanna said...

Love his that the alarm had only fallen on the floor (phew) that you worked at a place called Body that the burglars had to reach around & get the cash out themselves....miss you Britt.

Juliekins said...

Owen is so big! Taylor still talks about baby Owen.
Also I love that you hang out with a baby Eli. That way you can think of us.
And Oh My GOSH your stories were both hilarious! I miss laughing with you Brittany!