Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Oh Don Bailey, you sexy man!

I don't know about you but to me nothing makes me want to buy carpet more than an almost naked man lying on in. I think this advertising campaign must have started sometime in the 70's and then they just never hired anyone to brainstorm new ideas. I've got to give this company credit though... it definitely gets my attention every time I drive by it.
Oh Don Bailey...


Tyanna said...

OH.MY.WORD. That is hilarious. It's signage like that that makes you want to march in the store, give the owner and the ad campaign manager a big old pat on the back. It does get your attention. I am calling you tomorrow--cant wait to chat!

Emma Jo said...

Wowzahs! I would sooo buy carpet from them.

Side of Jeffrey said...

This post seems oddly familiar.

Kaesy said...

Yowza. I can't even think of anything clever to say. How ghetto, really.

brandy said...

Hahaha! Definitely gets your attention, but not in a good way :) The last thing I want to think of when I want to buy carpet is a naked old man with a bad come over!! But i guess it works, right?

cambersue said...

This one cracked us up every time we drove by. Only in the "Gay-capitol" of the South right?!