Monday, April 11, 2011

Birthday Continued...

If anyone knows me, they know that I love love birthdays. I think it's so fantastic to have one day that is dedicated to one paticular person so I try and extend them as long as  possible. It was Owen's birthday on Tuesday so we decided not only to celebrate it then but to also celebrate on Saturday so we could have an excuse to party it up with some good friends and extend his birthday just a little bit longer.
My great idea for the party was to do a beach bbq. We have been to this certain beach maybe twice that has a giant parking lot, a bunch of grills, a couple of playgrounds and some picnic tables, so we decided to invite some friends to meet us down there. We though we could hang at the beach, swim, grill and party all night long. Well, little did we know that the majority of the parking lot was under construction so there would be nowhere for our friends to park, we also didn't realize that everyone else would have the same idea that we had (beach bbq on a Saturday afternoon).  When we showed up we found that there were no grills or picnic tables available for us either.  Hmmmm... not such a good idea after all (maybe I should have researched what we were going to do before we actually went to do it), so we had to think of a plan B. Luckily we have some amazing friends who offered  up their house for us to use. They have a pool and a grill in their back yard, plus when we got there they pulled out a bounce house for the kids (house made for a party). Yay for good friends with way nicer yards than we have! So we dialed up the rest of the party  goers and informed them of the new plan. Luckily all of our friends are laid back enough that they weren't too upset about the change in plans. Most of them were actually pleasantly surprised because they had noticed that the beach scene we were about to party at wasn't as family friendly as we would have hoped (just a few scandalously dressed women and some sketchy happenings going on). 
Once we finally made it to our destination, we got the party started:
This pretty much sums up how I felt about the night. Happy.

Owen thought so too.

Started off with a little grub. Nothing better sometimes than a juicy burger. Yummm

Lots of swimming

Beach themed cupcakes. Didn't fit the scene as well as I would have hoped
but still with funfetti cupcakes, you can't go wrong.

Opened some gifts from generous friends.

Owen loved them. Look at the pure joy in this little guy's face.

Little family photo op. Owen saying cheese and of course closing his eyes.

I'd like to give a shout out to our good friend Jeff (the one doing the photo bomb)
for being our photographer for most of the night. Thanks Jeff!

Such a fantastic night with good friends, it makes me wonder if I could use Owen's birthday as an excuse to party the whole month of April rather than just two days out of his birthday week...


jos said...

We had so much fun! It was great to celebrate Owen for the day...he is such a big boy now.

Katie said...

Nathan does 'birthweek' and he tries to sneak in 'birthmonth' and 'birthquarter' So we love birthday's around here too! So much fun! Happy Birthday Owen! Thanks for the excuse to party!

Carrie Ann said...

What nice friends! We like to be the party house, too, but we can't compete with a pool! Tell Owen the party will continue until at least the first week in May, he's going to begin to think that presents and parties are a part of everyday life. Well, for some people it is!

Tyanna said...

What fun friends you have!!! My favorite pic of Owen is the one with the dinosaur...he looks like he can hardly contain his excitement-SO CUTE!

Side of Jeffrey said...

Dude, I owned those pictures, right? I love the one with the sunburst in it, the smiley ball shot, and any shot of Owen being amazing and looking just like his dad.

Side of Caitlin said...

We love you Owen! What a fun night!

Chelsea said...

Happy Birthday Owen!
I think I want to come to FL for my birthday and have a party at your friends house. That looks so fun!
And you looks so tan and beautiful, as always :)

Emma Jo said...

I need more friends with pools and bounce houses! I hopped on over to check out your cute blog-since my sister adores you so, I thought it would be a good idea :)

Unknown said...

Looks like a raging party! You're such a cute mom.