Sunday, April 11, 2010

Note to self...

When you don't hear Owen anymore... something messy is happening.
This morning while Tyler and I were getting ready for church, Owen was in our bathroom busy getting prettied up himself with my makeup. This is the aftermath of a child who found his mommy's MAC paint pot (eyeliner). One might wonder how Owen could figure out how to unscrew the top off of the makeup bottle and the only exlpanation I can come up with is that he is a genius. A messy little genius.


Ally said...

What a cute little mess he is! I love him!

Carrie Ann said...

This makes me a little sick. Partly because he is eating make-up and partly because it was nice, expensive make-up. Why couldn't he have found the Cover Girl? And of course it was right before church...

Kaesy said...

Seriously. Unscrewing things is a talent! Max still hasn't learned and I'm grateful.

Karson said...

And I love him...that is hilarious!